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Informação da sessão

At Microsoft, we believe that hybrid work is the future. We also know that a new era of “Work-from-anywhere” creates new security challenges. Home environments, shared networks, no line of site to a domain controller and use of personal devices for work data to name but a few.

Microsoft Managed Desktop empowers users with the data and applications they need to be productive, and work from anywhere, while securing the endpoint from unauthorized access.

Please join us on this session where our Modern Endpoint Global Blackbelt and Channel Development Lead will talk through the following:


  • What is Microsoft Managed Desktop
  • Why have customers opted for Microsoft Managed Desktop
  • What is the partner opportunity for Microsoft Managed Desktop


  • Triston Brade

    Triston Brade

    EMEA Modern Work Channel Development Lead

  • Nick Hall

    Nick Hall

    Incubation Sales Lead MMD & Windows 365

Audiência Vendas
Formato On-Demand
Língua Inglês
Área de Solução Modern Work